Not Quite Mine Page 44

He let a grin spread on his lips and he returned his hand to her arm. They were face to face, and his body heat warmed her skin.

“Good. I don’t want you thinking I’ve taken advantage of you.”

She narrowed her eyes and stared at his lips. Lips she’d kissed more times than she could possibly count. “Taken advantage of what?”

“Of this.”

Those perfect lips slid over hers and the room around them disappeared.

Chapter Fifteen

Dean held her in his arms and kissed her so completely, hours could have slid by. He’d stared at her lips all night wanting a taste. Katie may have told him she wasn’t ready to see him romantically again, but she hadn’t stopped watching him. In fact, since Jack had returned to Texas, Katie managed to set his blood on fire almost hourly with the nibbling on her lips as she watched him working…or the hunger in her gaze when he roamed the job site with her in tow.

Katie might have said she wasn’t ready, but her body screamed for him to risk kissing her again.

She released a tiny hum, one he vividly remembered from their past as she tilted her head back and opened to him.

Dean held her tight enough to tell her he wanted her, but loose enough so she could escape if she truly wanted to.

Please don’t want to.

Her br**sts pushed up against his chest and her arms circled the back of his neck. He smiled under her kiss and followed the lovely curve of her hip with his hand. Katie lifted her leg into his touch. The heat of her center made direct contact with his growing erection and he moaned.

She nipped at his lips and broke their kiss. “This is such a bad idea.” Her breathless words would have alarmed him if Katie’s soft fingers weren’t tugging at his shirt.

Dean kissed her neck and the sensitive lobe of her ear.

“God that feels good.”

“We always feel good together,” he reminded her. He’d never forgotten the feel of her body over his, the taste of her skin. The globe of her butt met his palm and he brought her closer. Her hips buckled along with her knees.

She wanted him; there was no doubt in Dean’s mind. But he was a Southern gentleman and he’d never seduce an unwilling woman. As much as it would kill him walking away now, he’d force himself to.

Lifting his lips from her neck, he waited until her hooded gaze met his. Soft, warm desire spoke to him in silence.

“I want to hold you, make slow sweet love to you until your body is draped over mine like silk, and both of us are too weak to open our eyes.” His words were delivered in a hoarse whisper.

The pulse in her throat moved faster as she swallowed with his words.

He lifted a hand to her cheek and stroked her swollen lips with his thumb. “If you’re going to ask that I leave, have mercy, and do it now.”

Katie drowned in the depth of his gray eyes. He had the perfect amount of Southern drawl lacing his words. She’d never forgotten how in sync they were together, how well they fit. The image of them naked and rolling around on satin sheets was intoxicating. The sad truth was she’d not so much as kissed a man since she and Dean had broken apart. It wasn’t that she’d closed herself off from men, she simply didn’t feel a big enough spark to dive into that pool again.

With Dean the fireworks were a given.

Another harsh reality reminded her that, with Dean, she could be herself. There was no pretense or expectations other than what they were both willing to give. She’d not shared that with anyone ever…except with Dean.

“I don’t want to lose you as a friend,” she whispered.

“That’s never going to happen.”

He kissed her again, hot indecent kisses that scattered all coherent thought. He lifted her in his strong, capable arms and walked them both to her bedroom.

They tumbled onto the bed, their lips fused in a way that left them gasping for air.

She kicked her shoes to the floor and reached under Dean’s shirt. What had started out as somewhat lazy and familiar switched into combustible. The need to feel his naked skin on hers made her push him away. She unbuttoned his shirt, fumbling as she went.

He quickly became frustrated with her clothing and started pulling it over her head.

“What happened to slow and sweet?” she asked, chuckling.

His eyes glossed over as her br**sts peeked out from under the lacy pink bra he found beneath her clothing. “Next time. I promise.”

Dean’s lips found the tender flesh between her br**sts and he licked her through her bra. Her ni**les pebbled and ached. Katie fell back to the bed and enveloped herself in the feel of him touching her, kissing her. “So good.” It had always been so good.

He pulled her bra aside and filled his mouth with her breast. Deep inside, her belly tightened.

His knee wedged between her thighs and she shamelessly pushed against him, her skirt riding high, and her panties moist with desire.

He kissed a path down her flat stomach. “Anxious, darlin’?” he chuckled.

More than he could ever possibly know.

“I want fireworks, Dean.” She’d never refrained from telling him what she wanted in bed. I’m not starting now.

He tugged at the zipper of her skirt, then tugged again, and removed it from her hips.

Dean drew in a deep breath through his nose and rolled his eyes back. “You’re killing me, Katie. I’d sit in my office…” He leaned down and dragged his tongue along the dainty fabric that passed for her panties. “And wonder if you still wore lingerie.”

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