Gabe's Alpha Page 17

The doctor shook his head.“So far nothing to indicate any kind of illness or attack. He’s very weak, though. He must be given blood immediately if he is to survive.”

“Then give him some, damn it!What the hell are you waiting for?”

“Zack’s an alpha, Gabe.” Scott told him. “Only another alpha’s blood will work. Jamie’s his beta, and he gave him some already, but it wasn’t enough, and there’s only one other alpha in our pack—Tim—but he’s not here. He left early this morning for the mine,and we haven’t been able to reach him on his cell phone.Jamie’s blood is the strongest we have to give him, and it’s probably the only thing keepinghim going this long.”

“Get some more damn alpha blood then! Howcan we?”

Jamie spoke up.“The nearest alpha is in North Carolina, another alpha of the Dark Hollow Pack, named Marco.I’ve called him already, and both he and his battle commander, another alpha, agreed to come and are on their way. Trouble is, it will take at least a couple hours for them to get here on the mountain roads.I don’t know if I can keep him going long enough.”

A tiny sob burst from Gabe’s throat, but he quickly stifled it and turned to Scott. “Load him into a car, Scott, and call the alpha back.Tell him we’re on our way from here,and we’ll meet him halfway. It should cut our time in half.”

Jamie and Scott looked startled over not thinking of the idea themselves. Scott ran from the room to make preparations while Jamie pulled out his cell phone.

Racing along the mountain roads, Zack’s head in his lap, Gabe never was more frightened in his life. Not of the breakneck speed with which Scott was taking the curves, but of the possibility of losing the loveof his life, the one person he simply couldn’t live without.

When he left the compound a few days before, he’d cried going down the mountain at some of the hurtful things Zack had said to him, however true they might have been.He’d been a little scared too, that too much had been said, and he’d pushed Zack too far.

Yet he’d known deep down Zack would come for him. They both knew it was an elaborate game they played and though feelings may get hurt and tempers might flare, in the end they would work it out. There simply was no other option.

This was different, and Gabe was too wounded for simple tears. His grief at Zack’s possible loss was stark and desolate. He gazed down into Zack’s face, watching his breathing, listening to Jamie on the phone while Scott drove like a madman on the mountain roads, lights flashing and horn blaring.

Jamie hung up and turned to Gabe. “That was the doctor. He says cyanide traces are in the packet, crushed up into a fine powder like those headache powders.If it hadn’t been for his strong wolf metabolism it would have killed him immediately.”

“Damn it!” Scott banged his hand on the steering wheel.“We were within the compound— it’s supposed to be safe!”

Jamie looked over at Gabe.“We’re questioning everyone, and nobody knows anything.”

“Somebody does,” Gabe said tersely. “And when we find them…”

“I just got off the phone with Marco and Casey’s driver. Marco and Casey are the alphas from North Carolina.We think we’re about fifteen minutes away from each other. I’m going to give him some more of my blood.It’s not helping much, but if it can just keep him going there’s a chance.”

Jamie got on his knees, leaned over the front seat, bit into his wrist, and placed it next to Zack’s mouth. Gabe applied pressure on the hinges ofZack’s jaw to get him to open up enough to let the blood in, and then massaged his throat over and over to get him to swallow. A slow process, but it helped Gabe to be able to do something—anything—other than just sit and wait helplessly.

Jamie smiled at him encouragingly.“When Zack wakes up, he’s going to be so proud of you.”

For the first time since they got in the car, Gabe’s eyes filled with tears. “Oh,Jamie,” he whispered.“Do you really think he might wake up?”

Jamie nodded.“I really do, Gabe. He’s one of the strongest people I ever met, and he’s got an awful lot to live for.” Defying pack law, he reached over with his left hand and squeezed Gabe’s arm. “Don’t give up. We’re almost there.”

Scott called out excitedly. “I see them ahead! I’m pulling over. Brace yourself,Jamie.”

Jamie, still bent over the front seat, grabbed hold of the seat with one hand and held on tight as Scott swerved onto the shoulder of the road. He jumped out and opened the back door. Things started happening quickly.

The door beside Gabe opened too, and a tall, very good looking man stood there looking down at him with compassion.“I’m Marco. If you’ll move, I can get in to help him.”

His voice was kind, but Gabe couldn’t bring himself to move. He had a sudden, unreasonable fear if he moved, he’d never see Zack alive again. Marco was shoved out of the way and a beautiful face looked in. The young man was blond with startlingly blue eyes, and he smiled sympathetically at Gabe, his voice low and soothing.

“C’mon, Gabe, let me help you get out.” He took hold of his arm and tugged gently.“Marco is here to help Zack,and he won’t let him die. Will you, Marco?”

The big man shifted his feet nervously.“I certainly…” A sharp elbow to his ribs made him straighten up rapidly and then bend back down to look at Gabe.“No, Gabe, I won’t let anything happen to him. Okay?Just let me get in there to him.”

Gabe allowed them to help him from the car and almost collapsed when he tried to stand, his knees buckling under him. Instantly, two arms went around his waist, holding him up, and he looked up to see the beautiful blond on one side and a very cute brown-haired young guy on the other. They took him back to their car, and Nicky, the blond, as Gabe found out, put his arm around him and started babbling about when Marco had been shot a year before and about how scared he had been.

Gabe was aware of how the blond and the brown-haired guy kept exchanging worried glances over his head, but he couldn’t seem to be able to speak, not until he found out how Zack was. It seemed to take a very long time, and finally Nicky sent Rory, the other man, out to check on things. Calmed down a little, Gabe could tell that Rory was a wolf too, though not quite as big as the others. Gabe wondered how Rory had come to be the mate of another wolf, deciding there must be a story there he’d like to hear someday. If only Zack…Gabe bit his lip and tried not to think of what might be happening in the car in front of them. Rory came back in just a few minutes and smiled encouragingly at Gabe.

“They’re still giving him blood. My mate, Casey, is feeding him now. He’s about half- conscious and cooperating more in drinking. It’s a very good sign.”

Nicky squeezed Gabe’s shoulders. “See?I knew he’d be okay. Marco and Casey are really strong. Right,Rory?”

“I know Casey is, for sure,” he laughed. “A little too strong sometimes.”

“Just like Marco. I hear your mate, Zack, is really something too.I just know he’ll be all right!”

Gabe leaned into Nicky’s shoulder a little, comforted by his kindness, but exhausted and beginning to shiver. He still was wearing only a pair of skin tight leather pants.

He shuddered, and Nicky patted his shoulders, taking charge again.“Rory, give me a blanket from the trunk, Gabe is cold.”

“I’m just so scared,” Gabe mumbled as Rory hurried out, “even more than when I went feral.”

“You were feral?”

Gave gulped and nodded, “But Zack said it would be better if no one ever knew. Don’t repeat it, please.”

“No problem, butit’s something I’d like to hear more about it when we’re alone. I went feral one time too. Scary shit.”

“Zack saved me from that. God, I love him so much. I don’t know what I’ll do if…”

Rory opened the door and handed Nicky a blanket. Nicky draped it around Gabe and launched into a story about the weather, for God’s sake, but Gabe was actually grateful. Not only did it show Nicky would keep his secret, but he didn’t want to think about what was going on in the car ahead of them. He listened to Nicky’s chatter, knowing he was only giving him a chance to recover by distracting him.

After about another ten minutes, Scott came and looked in the back seat where the three young men sat.“He’s awake, Gabe, but just barely.They’re going to get him to shift so he’ll heal faster.The two alphas are shifting with him and taking him into the woods.”

They got out of the back seat in time to see the two alphas, Marco and Casey, supporting Zack between them as they headed toward the trees. They could see Zack walking, if a bit unsteadily. Scott went with them and came back in a few minutes, carrying their clothes. Nicky walked up to the tree line and yelled for Marco. He had to yell a couple of times, but finally, a huge silver wolf stood in the shadows, looking out at them.

“Gabe needs to see Zack, Marco, if only for a minute. You can imagine how he’s feeling. Go get Zack, please.”

Gabe stepped up beside Nicky and touched his arm, at a loss for words. He did need to see his mate, but hadn’t known what to do to make it happen. Nicky smiled down at him.“Wolves. Beautiful, but dumb as dirt sometimes.”

Rory punched him in the arm.“Hey!” he said, playfully.

Nicky smiled at him.“Present company definitely not excluded!”

A large wolf stepped up almost out of the shadows and looked straight at Gabe. It was the first time Gabe had seen Zack’s wolf, and he was almost speechless at his beauty. He was gray and black, and his eyes were the same color as Zack’s dark ones. Gabe ran over to him and put his arms around his neck, luxuriating in the feel of his soft fur. The wolf swayed a little, nuzzled his nose into Gabe’s neck, and nipped ever so gently at his skin. Then he pulled away and was gone, joining the others, their howls sounding far away and echoing through the hills.

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