Gabe's Alpha Page 10

“It’s not the jewelry, although I love it.” Gabe held out his hand to admire the ring. “It’s…it’s everything! I’m beginning to think you really do love me.”

“Beginning to think? If you’re not absolutely positive by this time, I’m not doing something right.I may have to take a little more time with you tonight.”

“Yes, please,” Gabe said, nuzzling his neck.

Zack lifted him off his leg and firmly pushed him over to his side of the truck.“Let’s get out of here before they call the cops and tell them we’re making out in their parking lot. We still have to go get your truck.”

They started out of town, stopping at a quick shop to get Gabe something to drink and a candy bar he told Zack he needed to fortify him for the trip to the park. The rangers were used to vehicles being parked for long periods of time, but it wasn’t a good idea to leave your vehicle for too long, in case someone decided to vandalize or steal it. Not a common occurrence, but it had been known to happen.

They located the old truck right away, and Gabe climbed out of Zack’s vehicle. Zack opened his own door, climbed out, angled a look over at Gabe, and handed him his pickup keys.“You can listen to some CDs as we go up the mountain.Radio reception isn’t the greatest up here. Hell, do you even have a radio in this piece of junk?”

Gabe snatched the keysfrom Zack’s hand without question and tossed his over, pleased Zack had remembered his request to drive his truck.“Yes, I have a radio. It may not be top of the line, but it’s not that bad. I’ll have you know this old truck is a classic. I read somewhere that after twenty years, a car or truck becomes like an antique—a classic collector’s item.”

“Hmm. A classic junkyard item, maybe.Okay, okay, we’ll take it back up the mountain. I reallydon’t want you driving it until we can have a mechanic check it out anyway.”

“Is thatthe reason you’re letting me drive this truck?” he demanded, losing part of his excitement.“Damn, I’m not a kid, you know.”

“I know, honey. Just humor me on this. Maybe we can get you a new truck? Wouldn’t you like a new vehicle?”

“No. You’ve bought me enough. I like this old truck. My mom helped me pick it out.”

“Okay, but don’t drive it around on these roads until we can have it checked.”

“All right, since you asked nicely.” He angled his face up for another kiss.

Instead Zack picked him up and pulled him up close so he could grind his erection against his.“Shit, I can’t get enough of you. We may have to stop on the way up the mountain. I know a nice little secluded spot by a stream.A nice day to go skinny dipping?”

“Sounds good,” Gabe said with a little blush. Even if the over-protectiveness about drove him nuts, he loved how Zack constantly showed him how much he loved him. Maybe tonight he would admit how crazy he was about Zack too.“Lead the way, babe,” Gabe said with a little seductive smile.

Zack got into the old truck, and Gabe got behind the wheel of the big new one. Sitting in the luxurious seats, his new ring glittering in the sun coming through the windshield, and music blasting through the radio, Gabe thought he could definitely get used to all this. He wanted to pull his own weight though, and he thought as long as they were getting along so well, he might ask Zack about finishing college to get his degree. Maybe he could take some online courses to get him back on the track he was on before he was attacked. Zack would have to loan him the money, but he could convince him he was good for it. So far, he’d really denied him nothing he’d wanted.

He wondered if there was anything he could do for the pack with the knowledge he had about agriculture.He’d noticed a rather scraggly vegetable garden out in back of the big lodge they all lived in. Maybe he could start there and let Zack see what a green thumb he had. The area was large enough to supply all their needs and even have some left over to sell in the local farmers’ markets if it was utilized right. He really wanted Zack to be proud of him.

He followed Zack up the twisty mountain roads, admiring how easily the big truck hugged the curves. Zack seemed to be having a little more trouble with Gabe’s old truck.They’d almost reached the top where the road ran along the ridges, going up and down along the natural slopes. They just reached one such ridge and were descending, when Zack took the curves a little too fast. Gabe could barely keep up with him. Another car passed them on the opposite side of the road, and Zack almost sideswiped it. Looking on with growing alarm, Gabe realized Zack had no brakes!

Zack crossed the center line and swerved into the side of the mountain, turning the wheel at the last second to just glance off the high bank. In horror, Gabe saw what he was doing—trying to slow the truck by crashing it into the cliff wall. Gabe turned down the blaring radio to hear Zack blowing the horn wildly in an attempt to warn oncoming traffic. Fear clutched at Gabe, but all he could do was follow helplessly and hope Zack could figure a way to stop the truck. Zack managed to careen around another curve, but Gabe could see a long straight slope coming up. The truck would only pick up speed going down it and make things worse.

Gabe pushed his foot down on the accelerator and caught up to him. Praying nothing was coming, he swerved in front of his old truck and put on the brakes, not stopping totally, but slowing way down. He hoped the bulk of the bigger truck would be enough to stop the old truck. He remembered how heavy the older ones were, though, with their mostly metal parts, unlike the newer trucks with all the fiberglass paneling. His old truck slammed into the bumper, rocking him backward, and he hit his head hard on the back glass. He fought to control the wheel and stop both trucks. Though they skidded and swerved all over the road, it seemed to be working. A car came from the other direction and thankfully the driver saw what was happening, pulling well off the roadway to let them pass.

Finally, the road leveled out and even began to climb again. Gabe was able to gain control and stop them. The two trucks, locked together by their bumpers, came to a grinding halt. Gabe sat in the truck, shocked and trembling, unable to move once it was over. His head and neck hurt a little, and he wanted to throw up. The car door wrenched open next to him, and Zack leaned in, taking his face in his hands.

“Are you okay? Why did you do such a stupid thing? Are you crazy? I could have probably stopped it at the next runaway truck ramp!Damn, you could have killed yourself!” Zack’s face was furious, and his hands ran all over his neck and shoulders as he yelled at him.

“I-I didn’t know about a truck ramp…thought you were going to crash.I don’t feel so good, Zack.” He must have looked as bad as he felt, because Zack turned him toward the ground and held his forehead while the soda and candy bar came up. When it was over, he helped him from the truck and over to sit down on the side of the road. Several cars had stopped by then, and people stood around on their cell phones, no doubt calling 911.

Zack told him to sit still and went back over to the trucks. Gabe lay back down on the grassy shoulder of the road and let it all swirl around him. He heard people talking to him, but he had to concentrate on not vomiting again, ignoring most of their well-meaning advice.

Paramedics came up beside him, Zack with them, telling them what happened. The EMTs wrapped a collar aroundGabe’s neck and lifted him onto a backboard. They made Zack sit down, too, to be fussed over and put them both in the back of an ambulance together at Zack’s insistence. When they reached the hospital, they made Zack go in another cubicle, and Gabe closed his eyes to rest. He could hear Zack complaining loudly through the curtains and smiled. His man was worried about him.

In another minute or two, Zack was beside him, the hospital staff having abandoned their efforts to stop him. He heldGabe’s hand possessively, snarling every time the doctor suggested he might want to step out. He had to let him go to X-ray, but he was there waiting when he came out. When the doctor told them he was fine, no cracked vertebrae, just a mild case of whiplash, he put a cervical collar on him with orders to wear it for a few days and come back if there was any pain, finally allowing them to leave.

Zack had refused treatment altogether, and already the small cuts and abrasions on his face were healing over. Wolves healed supernaturally fast, and Zack was no exception. They all tried to avoid any kind of examination, to conceal what their bodies would expose in human tests they’d want to give him.If the accident hadn’t been so public, he wouldn’t have gone to the hospital at all.As it was, he couldn’t very well avoid it, but he could and did refuse treatment. He held Gabe’s hand as they walked outside to find the car and driver sent for them by the pack.

“As soon as I get you home, I’ll feed you. My blood will help you heal faster. Are you sure you’re feeling all right?” Zack sat beside him in the back seat, his arm firmly around his shoulders.

“Yes, Dad, I’m fine. You worry too much.It’s the vehicles you should be worried about. I guess my truck is pretty much totaled.”

“Yes, honey, I’m sorry. My truck’s in better shape, though it needs some body work and a new back bumper.”

Gabe straightened up in the seat in panic. “Oh, wait! Stop the car!”

The driver glanced nervously back at them, and Zack asked in alarm,“What is it?”

“The gold necklace collar thing!It’s stillin the truck!”

“No, I got it. Calm down. You were worried about it, huh? Must mean you kind of like it.”

“No. I mean, of course, I was worried about it, idiot. It’s an expensive necklace. Doesn’t mean I’ll wear it, necessarily.”

Zack looked so disappointed Gabe had to laugh at him. He stopped pretty quickly though, when he felt a sharp twinge in his neck as he threw his head back.“Ouch!”

“Serves you right,” Zack grumbled, pulling him back into his arms.“Just rest until we get back to the lodge.”

“I’m resting, damn it. I’m not exactly running alongside the car.”

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