Filthy English Page 44

And the chiseled jawline, straight nose, and piercing gray eyes.

Dread pooled in my stomach.

“Hiya,” he said and put his hand out to me. “I’m Declan.”

His familiar British accent sent goosebumps over my skin, and I gripped the straps of my purse as if it were a lifeline. God help me.

Stuffing down the urge to make a dash for the car, I stuck my hand out and shook his firm grip. “I’m—I’m Remi Montague. I’m here about the ad for a roommate.” I waved the printout, noticing my hand was shaking.

Hartford sent me a quizzical glance. I tried to smile.

Hartford and Declan shook hands. Everyone on campus knew Declan—and Dax.

“This house yours?” Hartford asked with a slight frown, no doubt because while Declan hadn’t been a Tau, everyone knew his brother was the poster boy for the fraternity.

“Nah,” Declan said but didn’t elaborate, careful eyes on Hartford. Apparently the rivalry extended to family too.

The blonde girl put her hand lightly on my shoulder, and I realized she’d said my name a few times. “ . . . want to follow me?”

Feeling numb yet oddly excited, I nodded, and she led us down a small hall, turned a corner, and we entered the kitchen.

With faded oak cabinets that had seen better days, a round table with orange vinyl-covered metal chairs, and a brand new stainless steel refrigerator, it was a mix of old and new.

But the only thing in the room that held my attention was Dax, standing with his back to us, legs slightly parted as he washed dishes at the sink. Wearing low-slung jeans, his ass flexed as he moved, his shoulders broader than I remembered.

My body felt thin as if I might float away, and my heart pounded so loud I was sure he heard it. The last time I’d seen him, he’d been between my legs, sweat dripping as he pinned me down to the bed.

“You have someone here about the house,” Elizabeth said.

“Dax?” I pushed out.

Without turning, he dried his hands off and leaned over to turn down the low beat of rap music coming from his phone. He pivoted to face us, and everything I’d been battling with since he’d left London came roaring back to the surface. Anger and heartbreak reared up, all the memories from London flashing through my head. I bit the inside of my cheeks to keep it all in.

He’d screwed me in London, literally, and I’d fallen for his games. When would I learn?

Cold-stone eyes flicked over Hartford, Malcolm, and then landed on me, sweeping me from head to foot. “Hey there, angel.”

At the sound of his voice, I wanted to sink into the floor, a barrage of emotions hitting me. I hadn’t been prepared to see him. Not so soon.

Dismissing me, he gazed back at Hartford, and they glared at each other warily, two different specimens: one built and dark, the other lean and blond. The tension stretched like a rubber band, and if they’d had swords, they might have pulled them out.

Thank God Hartford had never known about Dax and me freshman year.

It was Hartford who broke the ice, his face expressionless. “Had no idea this was your house, Blay . . .”

“Or you wouldn’t have come?” Dax smirked.

“Yeah,” Hartford replied with an unapologetic shrug.

I touched Hartford’s arm. “Dax rescued me from the guy who mugged me in London. Remember?”

“Of course,” he said to me gently and touched my face. Looking back at Dax, he sent him a nod. “Remington took me by the club where it happened. Glad you were there to help out.” He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and squeezed. “I’m still blaming myself for letting her leave town, and if anything had happened to her, I don’t know if I could have stood it.” His hazel eyes came back and found mine. I smiled tentatively.

“Yeah, I took care of her. Isn’t that right, Remington?” Dax replied tightly, his eyes searching my face. A muscle jerked in his cheek when our eyes met, his body rigid as a piece of steel. His hands curled, and he looked as if he wanted to smash something.

I was confused. What had I done?

I bit my lip, hoping Hartford wouldn’t notice. Because this—this wasn’t just a fraternity thing.

Malcolm’s wide-eyed gaze bounced from me to Dax, a questioning look on his face. I sent him my it’s okay smile. Social cues were his weakness, but when it came to me, he didn’t miss much.

But then it was as if Dax threw a switch because his entire demeanor changed. With careful movements, he removed his apron, hung it on a hook, and leaned back against the counter as if he didn’t have a care in the world. He let out a long sigh and crossed his legs.

“So you’re here about the apartment?” he murmured, flicking his eyes at the paper I had in my hand.

“She can’t live with you,” Hartford said, his tone cool.

Dax tossed back his head and laughed. “Dude, chill out. I saved your girl’s arse. Plus, I was asking her, not you.” His head swiveled to me. “Remi?”

“I was, but obviously, we aren’t a good match . . .”

His lashes dropped then opened. “Why not? Aren’t we friends?”

I shifted on my feet. “I—I’m afraid we might not mesh.”

Hartford said, “She doesn’t want to live with a guy, Blay, that’s all.” Especially a Tau went unsaid. “We’re grateful for London but were hoping for a female roommate.”

Dax harrumphed. “School starts in two days. Good luck. But I get where you’re coming from. You’re worried I’ll be making a pass at your girl, but attached females aren’t my thing. Plus, I’ll be studying a lot—gotta graduate this year, ya know—and helping my brother at his gym. Who knows? I’ll probably end up sleeping most nights at the Tau house.”

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