Double Dare Page 36

“Problem?” she asked, her gaze dropping to the large box of vegan butter cookies that he was holding.

“No,” he bit out.

“I see,” she said, studying him curiously now that she didn’t feel like she was going to die without sex.

“We’re going on a goddamn honeymoon,” he informed her as his eyes narrowed on her, daring her to argue with him.

And since she was feeling a lot better thanks to her sugar binge…

“We’re really not,” she said with a careless shrug that he didn’t seem to appreciate judging by the tick that he’d suddenly developed under his left eye as he glared down at her.

“Yes, we are,” he snarled, making her realize something very important.

He’d lost that cocky gleam in his eye.

Now that was interesting, she thought, cocking her head to the side as she studied him. Very interesting indeed, she mused as her gaze once again dropped to the box of cookies that no self-respecting Bradford would be caught with. She considered grabbing the box to prove her theory, but…

Ah, what the hell?

“Shit!” Darrin gasped as he made a mad grab for the box of cookies, but she’d already tossed it in the carriage as she shoved it away and out of his reach, forcing him to turn around and pretend to be studying the small bottles of shampoo that had no chance in hell of hiding that very large, and very noticeable bulge from curious eyes.

“Hmmm, well look at that,” she murmured, feeling her lips pull up into a shit eating grin that would rival that of any Bradford.

“It’s nothing,” he bit out, turning his head so that he could glare at her.

“Really?” she asked, cocking a brow in disbelief as she looked pointedly down.

“It’s fine.”

“If you say so,” she said, letting her words trail off with a mischievous smile as she walked away, leaving him stranded by the bottles of Head and Shoulders, rather pleased with the way things were turning out.

“Where the hell are you going?” he demanded just as a woman and four young children turned down the aisle and walked past her, effectively trapping him.

“To make plans,” she announced with relish as she pushed the rickety old carriage down the aisle, deciding that it was time to bring the bastard to his knees.

Chapter 17

“Shit!” he muttered with a cringe as he shot a nervous glance towards Marybeth’s apartment door as he waited for any sign that she’d heard him.

When he didn’t hear anything after a minute, he practically tiptoed the short distance to his door and slowly turned the doorknob all while shaking his head in disgust at himself. Fucking pathetic, he thought even as he shot another nervous glance over his shoulder to make sure the little tease wasn’t coming to destroy the last thread of his self-control.

He still couldn’t believe this was happening. One minute he’d been so sure that he finally had her where he wanted her and the next he was standing in front of the generic Head and Shoulders, explaining to the assistant manager that he didn’t need any fucking help as he struggled to get his cock to behave. Now, two hours later he was sneaking into his apartment like a coward, all so that he could get a chance to clear his head before Marybeth could take advantage of his momentary lapse of control.


He just needed to put a little space between them so he could clear his head and gain control before he continued with his sensual assault. He briefly considered coming up with a new plan, but just as quickly decided that this was his best chance to finally make Marybeth his. Now all he needed to do was to make sure that his cock was on board with his plan and everything would be fine.

Tomorrow he’d take up where he’d left off, but tonight he was going to take the night off and recoup, he decided as he closed the door behind him. After a slight hesitation, he locked the door behind him and threw the deadlock to make sure the little tease wasn’t able to sneak inside and take advantage of his weakened state. With that in mind, he moved his ass and made sure that the backdoor was locked as well, making sure that Marybeth wasn’t lying in wait, ready to strike.

When he didn’t find her lurking in a corner somewhere, ready to torment his poor misguided cock with her mischievous little smiles and generous curves, he went upstairs, swallowing nervously as he came to his closed bedroom door. He tried to summon the courage to open that door and face whatever was waiting for him inside, but he couldn’t move, not when there was a real possibility that Marybeth was in there, waiting for him, naked, eager and wet…

Oh, hell…

He should turn around and leave while he still had the chance. He could stay at his parents’ house or with one of his brothers or cousins. It would be the smart thing to do, he told himself, but he couldn’t stop himself from reaching for that doorknob as he licked his lips, anticipating the moment that he saw her, laid out and waiting for him.

He was so fucking weak.

The doorknob turned with a small click, his cock jumped with anticipation even as everything in him told him to run. He had a fucking plan and it was working. He just needed to be strong and push through this, he thought numbly as the door swung open, revealing…

An empty room.

He was not disappointed, he told himself as he walked into his room and slammed the door shut behind him. He stormed over to his bureau, yanked open the top drawer, grabbed a pair of boxers and slammed the drawer shut. He stalked off towards the bathroom, shooting the empty bed where Marybeth should be waiting for him, naked and begging him to fuck her as she professed her undying love for him.

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